Give Us A Call: 206-467-3190
We have helped many people who are in a similar situation to you fight their charges.
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By definition, all drug offenses and VUCSA crimes involve drugs.
Many people accused of drug offense crimes face addiction issues. For some people their actions were an isolated incident. Other people may have a more significant problem with drugs and may abuse them or have become dependent upon them.
If your charges stem from the use of drugs (not the sale of them) then most courts will require a drug evaluation and completion of the evaluators recommended treatment.
Drug Evaluations:
If you Washington State drug offense related charges are related to the use of drugs, then we will have you get an evaluation. When you get a drug evaluation it is important to do so at:
- A state approved drug evaluation agency.
- An agency that has a good and well established reputation with the court.
- An agency that will take the time to listen and give you an honest and fair evaluation.
In the end, we think it is important to carefully evaluate treatment options. If you are fortunate enough not to need treatment, we will help you with that. If you do need treatment, we will help put you in touch with the right experts to turn things around.